The Comprehensive, One-Stop Option for Small Businesses on even Smaller Budget

We all know that we're up against a tough economy; that's why we need to get tough with our marketing tactics and strategies. Why should big businesses with even bigger budgets have all of the fun? Why can't we high-jack some of the tools and tricks of the Big Guy's on a Little Guy's wallet?

It can be done. I'm going to show you how...

After all, it's my specialty!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

My First Xomba Feature...

Well, it's official. I've written and posted my first live article as a Xomba Business and Entrepreneur feature writer.

Since I've spent a great deal of time recently leveling up on Sorority Life (one of the totally addictive games produced by and used on Social Media platforms like Facebook and MySpace), I thought I'd play on the similarities between building your Sorority House and building a successful Internet Marketing business.

You can read the article here:

I encourage you guys to share the word about the article by using your favorite social bookmarking widgets like, and others like it.

Weigh in and let me know if you, too, are a total Sorority Life addict!

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