The Comprehensive, One-Stop Option for Small Businesses on even Smaller Budget

We all know that we're up against a tough economy; that's why we need to get tough with our marketing tactics and strategies. Why should big businesses with even bigger budgets have all of the fun? Why can't we high-jack some of the tools and tricks of the Big Guy's on a Little Guy's wallet?

It can be done. I'm going to show you how...

After all, it's my specialty!

Friday, April 2, 2010

List Your Information Products Through - eBooks, white papers, softcovers and hardbacks

While a number of successful online companies both large and small are able to earn some pretty serious money by promoting affiliate products and services, there's still something to be said for creating your OWN information products and earning money through affiliates of your own...

Of course, those dreams have to start somewhere, and for more clients than I can count on two hands, has been the place they've turned to launch their print and digital manuscripts and other media creations. Mind you, many of them went on to offer those same products exclusively through their own site and built a network of affiliates. Others went a more traditional route and purchased bulk orders of their books and went on the tour circuit. One of those fella's wound up getting his series of books firmly nestled in the libraries of a number of school districts up and down the USA's East Coast...

All in all, it's a great way to launch an Information Business or to distinguish yourself as a thought-leader in your field!

Here are the Top 5 things I like about Lulu...

  1. Their fees are incredibly low, and they provide a great deal of free tools and other supportive items. I'll admit, I'd recommend having someone else design your book cover (because their templates are kind of out there...) but the actual production costs aren't too hard to handle and there's very little you'll have to come up with as far as out-of-pocket costs are concerned.
  2. The "MyLulu" authors section is very comprehensive and their project dashboard is easy to navigate.
  3. If you go for a print publication, your print fees include your ISBN and getting your book listed on
  4. Pay-out minimums are low. You only need to have $5.00 in your account to receive payment once each month.
  5. You're allowed to link directly to your books' sales page in the resource boxes of your free reprint articles without any hassles, which you can't do when promoting affiliate links for other peoples' products.
For our next resource, we'll address the best low-cost, shoestring solution for those of you who already have your own information products and sales outlet and are now looking to add an affiliate program recruiting campaign to your "To Do" list...

Until then, have a wonderful Easter Weekend.

Remember this: Greater love has no man than to lay His life down for His friends.

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