The Comprehensive, One-Stop Option for Small Businesses on even Smaller Budget

We all know that we're up against a tough economy; that's why we need to get tough with our marketing tactics and strategies. Why should big businesses with even bigger budgets have all of the fun? Why can't we high-jack some of the tools and tricks of the Big Guy's on a Little Guy's wallet?

It can be done. I'm going to show you how...

After all, it's my specialty!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Get Ahead of the Curve with Trade Pub!

There's nothing more frustrating than feeling like you're falling behind in your sector or industry. Of course, when everything is changing at the speed of light, it can be more than a small struggle to keep up to speed. Plus, when you're strapped for cash and operating on a shoestring budget, it can get terribly expensive...

Fortunately, there's a great free way to stay ahead of the curve by gaining free subscription access to industry trade magazines and publications. The Website is, and you can find a ton of practical, applicable industry headliners, not to mention free white papers, eBooks, teleseminar access and more!

You'll have to provide contact information for each and every subscription or download, but it's well worth the time and effort.

Plus, it's always great to check the mail and see something OTHER than another bill.

Check it out and let me know what you're reading...

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