The Comprehensive, One-Stop Option for Small Businesses on even Smaller Budget

We all know that we're up against a tough economy; that's why we need to get tough with our marketing tactics and strategies. Why should big businesses with even bigger budgets have all of the fun? Why can't we high-jack some of the tools and tricks of the Big Guy's on a Little Guy's wallet?

It can be done. I'm going to show you how...

After all, it's my specialty!

Friday, April 2, 2010

The Weekend "BONUS POST"

If you're looking for a creative way to spend your "free time" this weekend without letting it go totally to waste, there's a great new Beta site you might want to bookmark...

It's known as and you can create a free profile and get busy brainstorming bright (and not-so-bright) ideas for your small business. Depending on your privacy settings, you get feedback, ideas, votes and other forms of constructive criticism that can help turn a harebrained idea into a solid money-maker.

Take some time this weekend to get familiar with the site. Be sure to add me to your friends' list. My site Profile ID is: JennGibbs.

Let's collaborate!

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